We oftentimes hear people say "be the Proverbs 31 woman" "I want to be like the Proverbs 31" woman; but over time, true essence has not been given to this very popular tag "Proverbs 31" "Proverbs 31" like most of us already know, is the 31st and last chapter of the book of Proverbs in the bible. Just like any and every scripture, written for records, instruction, and edification; I consider this portion of the Holy Bible to be one of the most liberating guidance and counseling resource for both men and women. The scripture in ..... already made it clear that, "it is the truth that you know, that will set you free" - In all my teachings and deliberations, I like to provoke your thoughts to rightful and elevated submittions, so that you will by yourself choose wisely, the paths to thread in any given stance. So putting Proverbs 31 back into perspective, I consider it Every Human's Litmus. My reason for this is simple. Proverbs 31 is the most descriptive wholesome part of the scripture concerning the qualities of a good woman. It mostly shows the account of what a woman should be in a lot of cases. There are many take homes and insights but in this case I will like to highlight a very important litmus for any bachelor or spinster seeking to choose a life partner. Every relationship between a man and a woman is perculier to the individuals involved. That's why a person can be good to one, and totally unacceptable to another. But there are certain Spiritual and natural structures in place, that if you pay attention to and work in line with, you will find favour and grace in that area. As a young lady seeking to get married to any man, I urge you to read Proverbs 31, from verse 10 to the end of that chapter. If you notice that you easily are 60-70% of the qualities of the woman portrayed in that portion of the bible to the man you are intending to marry, you are on a steady journey to considerable happiness. But if you find yourself struggling to be that to him, it's either you do not honour him or see him to be one you can be all that to. So the advice is to work on tuning those qualities up, or reconsider your stance with that intended partner. The same goes for a man who wants to settle with any lady and needs scriptural aids to help his decision. Proverbs 31 can be a very good Litmus. This is because, that account originally, is from a man's perspective and if she isn't 60-70% of those qualities to you, doesn't mean she is bad. It's either of two things; - she doesn't have them, which can be worked on, - or you two are not compatible enough for those qualities to come out. Looking deep into this narrative, It's important to note that, neither the man or the women is in lesser consideration in this litmus. I also want to state that, while there is a Proverbs 31 woman, there is also am Ephesians 5 man(Ephesians 2:25-33). The whole idea behind this narrative or long read, is to pay attention to the importance of testing. If the Bible urges you to "test all spirits.." 1 John 4:1, I think you should also test the characters of motives of people you choose to engage with, let alone spend the rest of your life with. It's safe to say, Proverbs 31 is "Every Human's Litmus" for choosing a life partner. Read this again and you might even see more than I saw. Go on and be the difference.
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